Time to stand up

A famous English writer once said: “people shouldn’t be afraid of their government, governments should be afraid of their people”.

This holds truth, considering that the population of any country far outnumber those who are in power. Some governments, especially those in third world countries, only seems to care about lining their own pockets and institute laws, specifically designed to rob their people of money and freedom.

Often, these governments would also institute gun control laws and, here at Guns For Life, to us, that would throw up quite a few red flags.

Why would a government want to institute gun control laws against its citizenry? The government instituting these laws would likely say that it’s to protect its citizens from violence, yet, guns don’t commit violence, people do. A gun is simply a tool that can be used for either good or nefarious purposes.

Often, gun owners are told to register their guns and, while this could be an effort to track legally licensed guns from falling into the wrong hands, in the case of corrupt third world governments, these laws are designed to restrict those the government may deem as "unworthy" in owning a firearm. And, if a government takes such an action, it could be the start of something far more sinister.

All of us, no matter where were from or where we live, always have positive hopes for our country. We all want a functioning government and a working infrastructure. And, above all, we want to be safe. We want our children to be safe. In a country like South Africa, with the highest murder rate and crime in the world, its illogical not to own a firearm.

One thing that we would like to tell the citizens of our beautiful country is this: Buy a gun and learn how to use it. And be wary of a government that is trying to take your firearm away from you. It’s not the first time that governments have taken such actions and, inevitably, such actions can lead to disaster. We are citizens of a free country and free people own guns. Slaves under a dictatorship, do not.

Time To Stand Up
Which one are you prepared to life without: guns or genocide??