
Ordinary American men had a weapon not available to the soldiers of the world's biggest superpower. They knew how to use it in defence of their towns and properties. And they used it to be free.

 In July 2006, the United Nations held a conference -- one in a long series of them -- to disarm the ordinary men and women of the world. They want to set up a system that will let any government on earth keep all guns out of the hands of anybody who isn't approved by government.

That might sound sensible if you don't think too hard. But that means that the United Nations wants to make sure that the worst, most evil, tyrannical, brutal government on this planet has the power to make sure that its opponents can never fight against it.

According to U.N. standards, Hitler should have had guns, but German Jews should not. (Funny, that was Hitler's plan, too.)
According to U.N. standards, Stalin should have had guns, but the farmers he deliberately starved to death in the Ukraine should not. (Stalin would have agreed with the U.N.)

If the United Nations had its way three centuries ago, America would never have been born. And you and your family, to this day, would be at the mercy of any dictator who wanted to rule over you or any thug who wanted to attack you.

Look what's happened in nations that have confiscated firearms or forbidden their possession:
Germany: genocide
Armenia: genocide
Russia: genocide
Rwanda: genocide
China: genocide
Uganda: genocide.

The list goes on.

The simple fact behind all the complicated issues of "gun control" is this: Citizens of free countries have guns. Grovelling subjects of dictatorships do not.

The Bill of Rights has one vital function: It is a no trespassing sign. It says, "Government, keep out."

It delineates what government is forbidden to do. It says government, especially the federal government, has only limited, delegated authority. It says the people, on the other hand, have a multitude of inborn rights that no legitimate government can ever take away.

Free men are armed. Slaves are not.

Source: accessed 12/03/2014

Which one are you prepared to life without: guns or genocide??