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If Not You, Whom?

Our ever-reliable and oh-so-honest governing party keeps telling us that crime, especially violent crime, is decreasing but, then again, knowing the facts doesn’t seem to be their forte, not so? The fact is that violent crime, especially directed at women and children, seem to be ever increasing in our beautiful country. Criminals are cowards and will attack the weak before the strong but that in itself reveals its own weaknesses. Bottom line is, who will protect our country and its citizens?

Gun control laws doesn’t seem to remedy the situation either. It almost makes you wonder what the point of this useless law is, if it doesn’t stop criminals from obtaining guns. In fact, the only thing the Firearms Control Act of 2000 seems to be good for is to provide our government with yet another source of revenue. Fact of the matter is that for a criminal it seems to be very easy to acquire a gun but almost impossible for a free, law abiding citizen to do the same and there is something very wrong with that.

It is normal for people to start questioning the motives of a government when they start implementing restrictive gun laws. Are they doing it to combat crime or encourage it? In times like these, it is perfectly normal for law abiding citizens to arm themselves at all costs. The Firearms Control Act doesn’t make it illegal to own guns but, due to endless tests and written testimonies and of course hefty ‘licence fees’, the act certainly makes it difficult for the average citizen to own a firearm for self-protection.

In the end, the only person responsible for the protection of our country is you. There may be imposing gun laws in play but acquiring a gun isn’t impossible in South Africa. In fact, the act does require you to be proficient at the use of firearms, something most criminals don’t know much about. They k now how to pull the trigger and which end is dangerous but, as an y gun owner will tell you, there’s a lot more to firing a gun than just pulling the trigger. So, get out there, do the necessary paperwork and pay the necessary fees and learn to know your firearm. Protect our country. If not you, then whom?

Which one are you prepared to life without: guns or genocide??